A new release of the Rpi Video Conference DEMO OS is out! Other than the official Raspberry Pi cameras, now also USB webcams are supported out-of-the-box. All you have to do is to attach the webcam to the Raspberry Pi and visit the dedicated Streaming Server at the default URL http://<your_rpi_address>:8000, from which it is possible to participate or create conferences as usual. Each time you attach or detach the webcam, the server instance is automatically created or destroyed respectively.
Category: UV4L
Userspace Video4Linux
RESTful API for UV4L
Although UV4L is already highly configurable for almost any needs, starting from the next releases on it will be gradually supporting a well-defined RESTful API over HTTP/HTTPS to control every functionality of the Streaming Server on-the-fly with finer detail than is currently possible. This should make it extremely easy for any developers to design and implement graphical user interfaces of any type – not only web-based like the built-in interfaces – in any programming language.
Stay tuned!
DEMO OS for Video Conferences over the web!
DEMO OS for Video Conferences over the web with the Raspberry Pi!
A ready-to-use image for Raspberry Pi 3 allowing a Rpi with camera, microphone, screen and speakers attached to it to entirely host or participate to video conferences over the web is available. Check this section for more informations.