This is a collection of personal solutions to many of the exercises proposed by Bjarne Stroustrup in his well-known book about C++ "The C++ Programming Language" (3rd Edition). The covered topics vary from some basic concepts about the language itself to some advanced use of the STL: algorithms, I/O library, containers, etc.. For each solution, the source code can be found in a directory named with two numbers separated by a period in the form Chapter.Exercise/. To make the compilation process easier and portable over different platforms, I have used NetBeans as IDE, so each directory also represents a project in NetBeans. NetBeans can be downloaded at All the source code is compliant with the C++98/03 standard, but in some rare cases I also provided alternative solutions in C++11. For a given exercise its solution is usually and deliberately based on the concepts introduced in the chapter the exercise belongs to (or in the earlier chapters). This means that the proposed solutions to the first exercises especially are rarely the "best ones" that could be obtained from a more advanced use of the C++ standard library. Since I have not included any piece of text from the book, to exactly know what problem each solution is trying to solve, you should have the book. However, even without the book, I think you may consider the code clear enough. From this collection I have also removed all the solutions requiring to somehow base the code on parts of the book: 6.18, 6.19, 6.20, 6.21, 7.17, 8.3, 8.11, 8.9, 9.8, for which I can give some hints in case. Luca Risolia